April 3, 2024June 28, 2024Scott Goldfine TIR 331: Rudy Wolfgramm Tells How The Jets Took Off to Fly High on 1980s Airwaves
December 12, 2023June 27, 2024Scott Goldfine TIR 183: Bill Curtis Tells How He Gave Fatback Its Greasy Funk Grooves
October 18, 2023June 28, 2024Scott Goldfine TIR 309: Fat Larry’s Band Tells How They Gorged on Grooves
October 11, 2023June 28, 2024Scott Goldfine TIR 308: Alton McClain Explains Her Destiny of Girl Group Glory, Skip Scarborough and God
August 16, 2023June 28, 2024Scott Goldfine TIR 301: The Brother From Another Mother Who Helped Starpoint Shine
April 29, 2023June 26, 2024Scott Goldfine TIR 88: Bow-Legged Lou Breaks Down Full Force’s Production Power