TOP 25 PRINCE FUNK JAMS: As we all try to come to grips with the passing of an all-time great and personal favorite in Prince, here is my list of his 25 greatest funk tracks. Most of the media coverage focuses on his pop legacy and mainstream hits like “Purple Rain,” but he was as important and critical to the history of funk music as anyone, right there with James Brown, Sly Stone and George Clinton. He drew from all their styles and yet had the amazing talent to make it uniquely his own thing rather than just a mimic. When I first heard songs like “Housequake” and “Sign ‘O’ the Times” and “Girls and Boys,” etc., there was nothing else like them. He had the ability to be massively innovative while still hitting the groove as hard and dirty as anyone has ever done it. And Lord could he bring the funk live, like an elastic freight train leaving its tracks for the stratosphere.
So see how this list stacks up against your own in the funk realm. And RIP to the seriously funky, gifted Minneapolis marvel.
- Anotherloverholeinthehead
- Automatic
- Controversy
- Erotic City
- Gett Off
- Girls and Boys
- Glam Slam (Escape)
- Head
- Hide the Bone
- Housequake
- Irresistible Bitch
- Kiss
- Lady Cab Driver
- Let’s Work (Long Version)
- Old School Company
- P.f.u.n.k.
- Race
- Rock Hard in a Funky Place
- Scarlet Pussy
- Sexy Dancer
- Shockadelica
- Sign ‘O’ the Times
- Stare
- 3121